Academic Requirements
All applicants for a School Centred Initial Teacher Training course should hold, on entry, a degree awarded by a United Kingdom higher education institution at a level of 2.2 or above, or recognised equivalent qualification. Decisions regarding the acceptability of such qualifications, including those awarded by overseas examining bodies, will be made by FIPC.
If you require comparability information about overseas qualifications you are advised to contact:-
You are strongly encouraged to obtain and bring written verification of your degree compatibility (e.g. UK ENIC certificate) to your formal interview.
The Secretary of State has decreed that applicants for an initial teaching training course must have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade C/4 in the GCSE examination in English, Mathematics and Science.
Applicants will be required to produce documentary evidence of their GCSE or equivalent qualifications (and degree if attained) at interview.
How it works
Shortlisting will be from the application form, but any supplementary information can be sent by the applicant directly to Helen, Course Director, via
Interviews and selection tasks are based on clear and appropriate criteria that are applied consistently and lead to sound judgements about the candidate’s suitability for teaching and potential to meet the Teachers’ Standards. The selection procedures are designed to result in the recruitment of trainees who meet the entry requirements specified in the current DfE document ‘Initial Teacher Training Criteria’.
Applicants who are shortlisted will be invited to attend for interview at FIPC or one of our partnership schools.
You will be contacted with the time and place for your formal interview and task. These interviews will last approximately 45 minutes. Candidates will be required to bring with them documentary evidence of GCSE/equivalent exam results and degree.
Disclosure and Barring Service
Any offer of a place on one of FIPC’s programmes will be conditional, pending receipt of a satisfactory DBS.
The fee-paying course fees are currently £9250.
All fee-paying students will be able to apply for a student loan to cover fees and may also apply for maintenance loans, either non-means tested or means tested. Applications for a student loan is made through the Student Loan Company website.
Enquiries should be directed to Stella Kalaidzi -Communications and Management Support Officer.