QTS and PGCE – Fee-Paying ITT Programme

Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) – Fee-Paying ITT Programme

The QTS with PGCE fee-paying programme offers Qualified Teacher Status and the academic award of Post Graduate Certificate in Education.  The QTS/PGCE combined through St Mary’s University, Twickenham, has a fee of £9,250.

Applicants can apply for a student loan at https://www.slc.co.uk/

Applications for this programme are made via the DfE Apply website and are accepted throughout the year leading up to the course start date as long as vacancies exist.

Course Structure


Please email Stella Kalaidzi, our Communications and Management Support Officer, for full details


Tel: 01279 421 333



Tel: 020 8550 1803